If you are an avid fan of BMW and have been checking our blog for recent updates I apologize to you. My name is Leftee and I am the definition of a procrastinator. Sometimes I don;t write when I know I need to. Or other times I just don't have the inspiration which means no thoughts, which means no topic.
But now you can relax, I'm here. Here to share my thoughts with you. Here to let you know how BMW is doing as a whole. Your feedback is appreciated also. We'd love to hear what you think.
Happy New Year. It's 2011!
This is the ninth day into the new year. Second decade of the new millennium What does that mean to you? Does a new year signify a fresh start.. somewhat of a new beginning for you? Or is it just a continuation of life with no change? The new year is different for everyone. While there are some people who cook big, deep pots of black eyed peas and collard greens in hopes of financial stability for the year, some just sit back and let it all unfold with no traditions. Do you make resolutions? Honestly, I feel that "resolutions" should just be goals. It seems that many individuals don't even hold their resolution for 25% of the year. Now if you set a goal for yourself it just might be a little more attainable. Or maybe the word goal just sounds a bit more feasible than a "resolution". Haa. Regardless of what you believe, BMW wishes you a blessed and productive new year.
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